Today I attended a baby shower for my friend Cathy Galloway in Mobile AL. (Hopefully I will have a pic soon to post on here of us.. send me a pic Cathy!!)
Daddy stayed home with the girls, and MeMe and Paw Paw came to visit from across the lake! I think they all had a good time. Abigail has been a grumpy bear lately.. she is getting her top two teeth... GRRRRR..... You never know when she will just have a melt down for NO reason!!!

Abigail LOVES her Paw Paw!

Amelia LOVES her Me Me!

Thanks MeMe and Paw Paw for coming today!! Come again soon! I know the girls enjoy you coming to play with them!! (I know Daddy probably enjoyed the help too! :)
We have matching couches.
Hyland's teething tablets are good for when those teeth are really bothering them. They dossolve right in their mouth. I found them at the grocery store. I usually don't like homeopathic stuff, but everyone recommended them and they did work on all of my kids, better than Tylenol or Motrin.
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