Brian gave me a dozen roses yesterday. Six of them were hidden around the house with reasons he loved me attached to them. It was really sweet. That evening he gave me six more. He also gave me a memory box. I have kept every movie ticket stub, football game stub, napkins and match books from restaurnats, keys from hotels that I write the date on and location.. you name it I've saved it! (OK I know a little cheesy, but hey I am very sentimental!!) I have quite a collection. I have been keeping it all in a hat box. Brian started making me a box to put it all in BEFORE we got married. Well he finally finished it and gave it to me yesterday!! I also got a gift certificate to our scrapbook store... I can't WAIT to use it!! We ate a VERY yummy dinner at home that we cooked together!!
Thanks Brian you made my Valentines day VERY special!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

1 comment:
Ooohhh, that is very nice!! Good job BrianI keep everything too! I have a ton of stuff. It is all in a trunk that Frank got at a craft show that was in the mall when we first started dating. It has hearts and flowers painted on it.
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