We have been using the finger toothbrush, but decided it was time to start brushing the girls teeth/gums with a real tooth brush. I bought them the infant ones and the training tooth paste without flouride. (thanks Shannon for the tip on that one!) Tonight was the second night we used them and I let the girls explore them some on their own. Keep in mind Amelia still has NO teeth. Abigail has four... two top two bottom.
Look closely Amelia has hers in backwards... guess it REALLY doesn't matter since she doesn't have any teeth to brush!
What good girls. They will not have cavities!
We use the same toothbrushes :-) Max has graduated to an Elmo toothbrush with Dora Colgate toothpaste, but the babies use the Little Bear tooth paste with the baby brushes. It is a little crazy at tooth brushing time! At least Max likes to do his own, but I still have to go over his, he likes to rinse and spit more than actually brush :-)
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