Thursday, June 08, 2006

The parenting Center

Yesterday we went to the Parenting Center to play with Lilly and celebrate her birthday. We were also trying out a mommy a me class called Cuddle Buddies. The girls had a great time there and loved all the songs during cuddles buddies.
Ms. Amelia

The gals all playing with the lego table...they did more throwing the leggos on the floor than building anything..maybe one day they will build something.

Snack time...Abigail walked straight up to this little table and stood up on it! She is such a climber!

Jill---I think this is a pretty funny pic! They are all making a funny face! What's that all about?? Maybe this is when all the other kids were coming outside and they were not happy that other kids were invading their turf???


Rocky Mountain Fighting Tigers said...

The girls look so big at the snack table.

Catherine said...

Love the girls' hair!!

Anonymous said...

That is such a funny picture!! I think the girls did feel there space was invaded by all the bigger kids.