Friday, June 23, 2006

Water Day

Today we went to the parenting center for Water Fun Day. For the most part we had a great time. Amelia decided to have quite a few melt downs, which almost sent me into melt down mode myself. We survived the day though. (She has a tooth that is almost all the way coming through. It was breaking the gums today... I am going to say that is why she was so cranky, bc if it was anything else I would have to say she was just being awful! I don't want to say that about my child so we will say she was just teething, and that is what made her a crab today!)
Our friends...Luke, Rachel, Julia, Dominic, Reid, and Kendall all joined us today!
The girls had popcicles for the first time today! They LOVED them!!

Abigail got frustrated when the popcicle would start going back down in the tube.

Abigail was so sweet today!

I think Julia.

Look in the background...Amelia is about to go head first into the water... I saved her before she did!

Rachel I think.

Amelia loves Dominic. She was watching him fish!

She's watching to see what he is going to catch!

Model Amelia

1 comment:

steele family said...

Nikki, what year did you graduate from USM? What sorority were you in? I keep seeing names and faces that I know from your blog, but I can't seem to place you. I was a Pi Phi with Michele and graduated in 2000.