Friday, May 12, 2006

Growing Girls

We went to the girls 12 month well baby visit ( a little over 12 months, but oh well we got there!) She officially told us we could go ahead and turn their car seats around which was SUPER exciting for us!!!
They will be turned around tomorrow!!
Their stats.....
18lbs. 13oz
29 3/4 inches
19lbs. 3 oz
29 inches
They are both in the 75th percintile for height and still in the 25th percintile for weight. They are still on the same curve so all is great! This is the first time ever that they haven't been within an ounce of each other in weight.
Here are some sweet pics from yesterday......

Okay maybe not COMPLETELY sweet. It looks that way, but ACTUALLY they are fighting over a snack! :)


Elizabeth said...

They are getting so big! So cute!

Catherine said...

That is so funny!!
These pictures do look so sweet, we wouldn't have known otherwise.