Friday, December 22, 2006

Breakfast with Santa

Last weekend we had the annual Breakfast with Santa with the Mom's of Multiple's at the Kickstand Cafe in Mandeville near the trailhead. It's really neat...we are the only people there. All of us sit down and start eating breakfast and then Santa comes and talks to the kids while they eat breakfast. Then he goes and sits down and each of the sets of kiddos go sit on his lap. What's more fun than a morning full of a room full of twins and triplets all hyped up on pancakes with syrup!!! We really did have a GREAT time. The other parents COMPLETELY understand what it's like to have more than one the same age, so it's ok if they weren't perfect angels!! Amazingly they were all really good!
Of course I tortured poor Abigail and made her try sitting in Santa's lap again. Things weren't much better this time. She REALLY liked him when he came and talked to her, but NOT when she had to sit on his lap! Oh Well there's always next year!

At first I thought she might be ok......

Well maybe not........

Amelia LOVED him...especially when he gave her this bear. She has loved on him and wanted him in her bed every night since then!

Santa just left out this door...Abigail REALLY wants to make sure he is gone..Then she kept asking "Where Danta Go??"

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