Sunday, April 30, 2006

Just a Swinging......

I bought us a swing at the repeat store here for the girls for $10.00! Brian built a frame large enough to put two swings on yesterday. I LOVE being married to a handy man! Thank you Brian the girls are going to love spending hours out in the backyard swinging this summer.
Even though the wind was blowing like crazy here we just had to let them try the swing out. They LOVED it. We went and bought a second swing at walmart today and are going to let them both swing at the same time here in a few minutes. I am sure I will have more pics to post after that!

Here is Brian with his new product finished in just one afternoon!!!

She couldn't quit laughing and the wind was blowing her hair like crazy!

Sweet Abigail.
She loved it when you would grab her feet!
Hanging on....
Gotta love a smile like that...teethless and all!!!


Unknown said...

Good job, Brian!! He looks so proud in that picture. Great pictures of the girls swinging!! Check out my blog I just put pics of Lilly in her swing. Who doesn't love to swing??

Alecia Watson Bahna said...

Can Brian come and give hubby Jim some handy-man advice? He has no clue! :)

Melissa said...

What a great idea!! Good job Brian!